
  • Colloquium (for the general public): Del control del desarrollo vegetal a la biotecnología, fortalezas y debilidades. Fundacion Ramón Areces. Broadcast January 11, 2022, 19:00h at
  • Collaboration with Robert Sablowski (John Innes Centre, Norwich) to write an invited review on the coordination of plant cell division, growth and cell fate, published in Plant Cell, koab222 (2022, in press).

  • Carla Alonso, funded bu Comunidad de Madrid, joined the PlantGrowth lab as a technician.

  • Collaboration with Ueli Grossniklaus (Univ of Zürich) to use the PlaCCI line to define the role of MEDEA in cell proliferation and patterning during embryogenesis, published in Dev. Cell 56: 1945-1960 (2021) doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.06.004.

  • Laura Rodriguez, from Univ. Politecnica de Madrid joined the PlantGROWTH project as bioinformatician (June 2021)

  • Collaboration with Robert Sablowski (John Innes Centre, Norwich) to use the PlaCCI line to define the role of KRP4 in controlling cell size, published in Science 372: 1176-1181 (2021) doi: 10.1126/science.abb4348.

  • Diego Gomez, from CIB, Madrid (March 2021), and Ivan del Olmo, CBGP, Madrid (March 2021) joined the PlantGROWTH project as new postdocs.

  • February, 2021. The lab comes back to almost a normal attendance after the reduction of the COVID19 incidence.

  • Crisanto Gutierrez started (January, 2021) a 3-year term as Chair of the Cell and Developmentla Biology Section of Academia Europaea (, and continues his term as Member of the EMBO Council (

  • Jorge Fung-Uceda (November 2020) awarded a Juan de la Cierva contract, will start on January 1st, 2021.
  • Bénédicte Desvoyes et al. published the development of a Plant Cell Cycle Indicator (PlaCCI), a line with three fluorescent markers to identify cell cycle phases. Nature Plants 6, 1330-1334 (2020).
  • Rocío Núñez-Vázquez (September 2020) awarded a FPI contract for her PhD project.
  • Bénedicte Desvoyes and Crisanto Gutierrez published a review on the Retinoblastoma-related (RBR1) protein. EMBO J. 39: e105802 (2020).


  • Collaboration with several groups of Facultad de Quimica, UCM (Madrid) to generate tools to identify DNA replication, published in Inorg. Chem. 59, 7779-7788 (2020).
  • Joint effort with Aline Probst to review the roles of plant histone variants, published in J. Exp. Bot. 71, 5191-5204 (2020).


  • March 14 is marked in the calendar as the day where we started a strict confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Julia Emiliani and M. Sol Gomez, both from Argentina, initiate their postdoc positions in February 2020, to develop projects related to cell division, DNA replication and chromatin dynamics.
  • Anna Gonzalez-Gil, from Univ. of Warwick (Novem,ber 2019), and Jorge Fung-Uceda, CRAG, Barcelona (October 2019) joined the PLANTGROWTH project.
  • Bénédicte Desvoyes joined the PLANTGROWTH team as a Senior Staff member.
  • June 1st, 2019. The PLANTGROWTH project funded by an AdG from ERC officially starts.